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Door and Window Fix

11,195 Downloads 456 Thanks  Thanks 70 Favourited 37,066 Views
Uploaded: 25th Mar 2012 at 7:47 PM
Updated: 24th May 2012 at 6:51 AM
There are several store content doors and windows that have incorrect wall cut outs. This fixes them. Regardless of how you have your store stuff installed these will work. If you use packages just make sure to use an overrides folder for this. I have made fixes for the following content:

Not-So-Private Study Door - Hewnsman Living Room Set
Nega-Door - Hewnsman Living Room Set
Gothique Window - Gothique Living Room
Modernism Window - Collectionne Stäncké
Muntin Window - Indulgent Living

Changes these game resources:
0x00B2D882-0x00000000-0xBC35F04F563CF506 (_IMG) Not-So-Private Study Door
0x00B2D882-0x00000000-0x84A681276531F8CA (_IMG) Nega-Door
0x00B2D882-0x00000000-0xF0125B737E2240E4 (_IMG) Gothique Window
0x00B2D882-0x00000000-0x7D43AC544BBAE30F (_IMG) Modernism Window
0x00B2D882-0x00000000-0x7D466C544BBCACE6 (_IMG) Modernism Window
0x01D10F34-0x00000000-0x0000000000C5A0D1 (MLOD) Muntin Window
0x01D10F34-0x00000000-0x0000000000C8E2CF (MLOD) Muntin Window