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Lab Assistant
#1226 Old 1st Jun 2024 at 8:09 AM
TS is not a game for such aggressive microtransactions. Nobody wants to buy activities for seasons that are separated into four different packs. That is what Lyndsay Pearson said and I am still shocked about it.

TS4 started the piecemealing of content a long time ago with, for example, restaurants having their own pack. Then kits came along and now we will have paid events. I am hopeful that there won't be any paid events, but I won't be surprised.
#1227 Old 1st Jun 2024 at 3:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
TS is not a game for such aggressive microtransactions. Nobody wants to buy activities for seasons that are separated into four different packs. That is what Lyndsay Pearson said and I am still shocked about it.

TS4 started the piecemealing of content a long time ago with, for example, restaurants having their own pack. Then kits came along and now we will have paid events. I am hopeful that there won't be any paid events, but I won't be surprised.

I personally consider kits to be microtransactions, but I know a lot of people don't agree with me about that which is fine. I don't expect anybody to agree with anything I say about this game or franchise. I'm already a square peg as I treat my game like a game, not a life line. I digress.

Pixelade has recently put out a good video talking about Maxis and their 'transparency'. Anybody that has been around for while already knows how problematic this is and has been a issue for a long time. It took them 10 years to confess their game is a hot mess. That sez something. Along those lines, they're back on the "We hear you" kick, but their actions tell a completely different story. I'm not on social media so I can't say the following with a full chest statement, but I don't recall anybody ever asking for a blinking shopping cart or for TS4 to become a mobile game. I could sit here and make a list for things that were put in game that were never asked for just as anybody else can.

To dig a even bigger hole, they [Maxis] are on another kick. That kick being talking about how they have such a great relationship with this community. A toxic relationship is not strong or great. It's ugly, dysfunctional, ect... If things were so wonderful in this community, they wouldn't have to resort to their tactics of trying to reel people back in to the play the game. The fact that they failed at their own tactic is hilarious and comical. Put pictures on a screen with locks, but then don't actually lock the content. Gotta keep the standards bar at ground level.

Again, Maxis fails to read the room. They're not listening, they're not transparent and it is business as usual. It's the metaphor that somebody on here already used about a frog being in a pan of water. I will give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to what they can and what they cannot say because I'm sure Andrew Wilson has strong rules regarding such matters, but even so, what they say and what they mean are two completely different things.

Graham made a appearance on Twitter a week or so ago wagging his finger about how people should wait for things to be put into context. This came after everybody was complaining about 5 slots being used for rocks in one of the new kits. I agree that context matters, but seriously. 5 slots for a kit when the fountain could have been added to a expansion pack or something else. It's right up there with people paying a dollar each for 4 vacuums and a handheld vac in the Bust The Dust kit. If context is so important in these situations, then stop leaking everything. They're not even leaks anymore. All the stuff is posted to garner interest and conversation. A simple search on Google Trends tells a person all they need to know when it comes to interest for this game during dry times when there are no "leaks".

Pick your poison, Graham. Do you want context or something else? All arrows point to something else.



SIM GURUS ARE FED UP!! šŸ‘€ (New Cryptic Tweet) - Graham tweet

Mad Poster
#1228 Old 4th Jun 2024 at 2:14 AM
I appreciate Maxis for add something interesting to keep the kit feeling fresh. The pergola, drink tray, fire pit, and waterfalls add a little something.

The Bistro kit is probably the most thematically consistent of the two, but feels at home with Dine Out.

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#1229 Old 4th Jun 2024 at 10:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
I appreciate Maxis for add something interesting to keep the kit feeling fresh. The pergola, drink tray, fire pit, and waterfalls add a little something.

The Bistro kit is probably the most thematically consistent of the two, but feels at home with Dine Out.

I'm glad you're enjoying them. The only thing that comes to my mind is...

Mad Poster
#1230 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 12:43 AM
After 10 years of this game existing, these kits, and multiple other packs, are not content I would have given to builders. There's still an assorted amount of things that are flat out missing from the game that we should have gotten years ago as a builders. Like, I have to get creative to decorate a nautical bedroom, instead of having nautical bedroom stuff. It's wild.

->> Check Out Checkout: Journey To Employee Of The Month! <<-

~ Just a click a day is nothing short of helpful! ~
Field Researcher
#1231 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 10:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I personally consider kits to be microtransactions, but I know a lot of people don't agree with me about that which is fine. I don't expect anybody to agree with anything I say about this game or franchise. I'm already a square peg as I treat my game like a game, not a life line. I digress.

Pixelade has recently put out a good video talking about Maxis and their 'transparency'. Anybody that has been around for while already knows how problematic this is and has been a issue for a long time. It took them 10 years to confess their game is a hot mess. That sez something. Along those lines, they're back on the "We hear you" kick, but their actions tell a completely different story. I'm not on social media so I can't say the following with a full chest statement, but I don't recall anybody ever asking for a blinking shopping cart or for TS4 to become a mobile game. I could sit here and make a list for things that were put in game that were never asked for just as anybody else can.

To dig a even bigger hole, they [Maxis] are on another kick. That kick being talking about how they have such a great relationship with this community. A toxic relationship is not strong or great. It's ugly, dysfunctional, ect... If things were so wonderful in this community, they wouldn't have to resort to their tactics of trying to reel people back in to the play the game. The fact that they failed at their own tactic is hilarious and comical. Put pictures on a screen with locks, but then don't actually lock the content. Gotta keep the standards bar at ground level.

Again, Maxis fails to read the room. They're not listening, they're not transparent and it is business as usual. It's the metaphor that somebody on here already used about a frog being in a pan of water. I will give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to what they can and what they cannot say because I'm sure Andrew Wilson has strong rules regarding such matters, but even so, what they say and what they mean are two completely different things.

Graham made a appearance on Twitter a week or so ago wagging his finger about how people should wait for things to be put into context. This came after everybody was complaining about 5 slots being used for rocks in one of the new kits. I agree that context matters, but seriously. 5 slots for a kit when the fountain could have been added to a expansion pack or something else. It's right up there with people paying a dollar each for 4 vacuums and a handheld vac in the Bust The Dust kit. If context is so important in these situations, then stop leaking everything. They're not even leaks anymore. All the stuff is posted to garner interest and conversation. A simple search on Google Trends tells a person all they need to know when it comes to interest for this game during dry times when there are no "leaks".

Pick your poison, Graham. Do you want context or something else? All arrows point to something else.



SIM GURUS ARE FED UP!! šŸ‘€ (New Cryptic Tweet) - Graham tweet


God, I hate how smug and pretentious the SimGurus are. How dare we give genuine, constructive criticism.

('member when the Gurus of yesteryear actually cared about the fans and players? I 'member.)
#1232 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 11:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kiddypatches
God, I hate how smug and pretentious the SimGurus are. How dare we give genuine, constructive criticism.

('member when the Gurus of yesteryear actually cared about the fans and players? I 'member.)

I think game devs / producers in general develop God complexes over time. Not all of them, but many of them. When a person surrounds themselves with people that fawn over them for years, it is bound to happen. Now that there is considerably less yes-men, Graham doesn't like it. Oh well. Their game, their way.

The sims franchise belonged to Maxis back then. Now that Maxis no longer exists and they are EA employees, they have to sport their smug badges.
#1233 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 3:32 PM
Speaking of God complexes...

Update your game or you won't be able to play.



I understand why people don't update all the time. It is exhausting having to update mods way more often then they should have to, updates bring more bugs, ect... From where I'm sitting, this is another check mark for the con list of live service games. A publisher can dictate these kinds of things and shut your game off if a player doesn't obey.

That would be a big NOPE for me, dawg.
#1234 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 4:23 PM

For everyone, like myself, who plays offline with a lot of not updated mods, this is really bad news.

The tweet from EA says that if we don't update our game until the 10th of June, we can't play anymore as the EA app won't launch without the update.

In the past with the Sims 4 I was stressed because of all the bugs and decided to pause playing. But now we're really at a point where I have to stop playing because the game won't work at all anymore, if I decide not to update and lose all my progress.

You never know whatā€™s cominā€™ for ya.
#1235 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 5:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Speaking of God complexes...

Update your game or you won't be able to play.



I understand why people don't update all the time. It is exhausting having to update mods way more often then they should have to, updates bring more bugs, ect... From where I'm sitting, this is another check mark for the con list of live service games. A publisher can dictate these kinds of things and shut your game off if a player doesn't obey.

That would be a big NOPE for me, dawg.

Sorry, I haven't seen your post. I just posted the same. It's really a hassle when using many mods and now they make us to update. This is a PC game, EA just let us play the game we bought without any obligations!

You never know whatā€™s cominā€™ for ya.
#1236 Old 5th Jun 2024 at 8:52 PM
No worries, himawara106


Apparently there is a argument about whether TS4 is a live service game or not. This was brought up in Satch's recent video. I'm not tossing Satch under the bus, but he's wrong.

Following is part of a article from Sims VIP back in 2016. The person defining whether TS4 is live service (or not) is Graham.

The Sims 4: ā€œLive Serviceā€ Explained

To start with ā€“ The Sims 4 has always been what we call a live service. I was a bit surprised to see this blow up on the forums today, as I didnā€™t say anything that conflicts with our approach to The Sims 4 since the game launched. Nothing about what I said was intended to indicate weā€™re in the middle of changing the way we operate, or that thereā€™s any new process being introduced thatā€™ll affect you, the players. What I was conveying is that The Sims 4 is the first game that our studio is handling in this manner. The transition I spoke of involved changing our approach to development and to the ongoing support that we provide when we moved from active development on The Sims 3 to The Sims 4.

So, what does being a live service mean then? All it should really mean to you is that The Sims 4 gets more frequent updates to address issues, as well as ongoing free content additions so that players are interested in checking back in and seeing whatā€™s new from time to time. Itā€™s an opportunity for us to have a more engaged community thatā€™s aware of upcoming plans for the content our studio is creating.


Satch video: Is The Sims 4 turning into a mobile game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEs_3UzkFtI

Also, this play our way or hit the highway supposedly is a one-time thing. Players should take that with many grains of salt.
Forum Resident
#1237 Old Yesterday at 3:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat

......Also, this play our way or hit the highway supposedly is a one-time thing. Players should take that with many grains of salt.

One time thing huh? The phrase that comes to mind when EA stresses they are being honest is "I don't believe you".

Don't care though.... my character has the "Brave" and "Storm chaser" traits ...... I fear no-one..

ā™„ Receptacle Refugee ā™„ Now playing Sims 4 but not as EA intended.....
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1238 Old Yesterday at 11:41 AM
TS4 isnā€™t a mobile game, becauseā€¦ well, itā€™s not on mobile (TSM and TSFP are). That is not to say the Sims games have and are becoming more and more ā€˜pay this to unlock this contentā€™. It started the moment TS3 had a built in store.

Also, the likewise thing I see happening is TS5/Project Rayray becoming a mobile game. I feel like loads of objects and clothing be locked in unless you use credit card transaction.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#1239 Old Yesterday at 12:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor
One time thing huh? The phrase that comes to mind when EA stresses they are being honest is "I don't believe you".

Don't care though.... my character has the "Brave" and "Storm chaser" traits ...... I fear no-one..

I guess this whole update thing was a issue on the OF. Whatshisface Cade said that it was a one-time thing. I can't be bothered to go looking for it and even if I found it, I couldn't post the link anyway as then I'd be crabbed at for 'mud-flinging.' The webs this community loves to weave.

Ironically this comes after Graham huffed and puffed about context. Perhaps he should go wag his finger at the intern that handles the TS4 twitter account as they provided zero context even though I don't think many believe in the one-time thing anyway. Also, they didn't explain what a player is supposed to do when the EA App is broken which is more often than not. I guess this means if the EA App doesn't work for a player by June 10th, they need to re-download their game.

Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
TS4 isnā€™t a mobile game, becauseā€¦ well, itā€™s not on mobile (TSM and TSFP are). That is not to say the Sims games have and are becoming more and more ā€˜pay this to unlock this contentā€™. It started the moment TS3 had a built in store.

Also, the likewise thing I see happening is TS5/Project Rayray becoming a mobile game. I feel like loads of objects and clothing be locked in unless you use credit card transaction.

No, TS4 isn't a mobile game. Satch went on a big thing about how TS4 isn't a live service game when in fact, it is which was the point of my previous post.
Mad Poster
#1240 Old Today at 2:22 AM
What if player donā€™t update? Then what?

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Smeg Head
#1241 Old Today at 3:06 AM Last edited by coolspear1 : Today at 3:56 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
What if player donā€™t update? Then what?

I guess it will be something along the lines that the app will be updated so that it can only run version 1.107 of The Sims 4. (Current version.) So playing older version of game offline will not be an option. (This one-time only, allegedly.)

So TS4 will remain grayed-out and un-loadable for both online and offline play till updated to 1.07. (Or maybe 1.108 if they release new game patch to coincide with timing of EA app update.)

I haven't looked into why the app will only run latest version of TS4. But I'll guess at it being the graphical and memory enhancements that came with the 1.107 patch. For instance, the Ubisoft app gives options to run Anno 1800 game in whatever Direct X setup the player has/prefers. EA, on the other hand, remove the choice from the player, and since latest game patch allows better Direct X for TS4, they need the app and the game to be in sync if that Direct X choice will not be something the player can select prior to loading TS4. I could be very wrong on this, but other than this I can't imagine a need for the game and the app to be syncopated to the point of - our way or the highway - enforcement.

Robocop says, " citizen, step away from the vehicle and PATCH YOUR TS4! "

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - simsasylum.com My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Forum Resident
#1242 Old Today at 4:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
What if player donā€™t update? Then what?


ā™„ Receptacle Refugee ā™„ Now playing Sims 4 but not as EA intended.....
Smeg Head
#1243 Old Today at 4:31 AM Last edited by coolspear1 : Today at 4:46 AM.
Ha, no sooner said than I open the EA app to see TS4 requires yet another update! From 1.107.112 to 1.107.151.

That's gotta be the official patch version that the EA app will be expecting, otherwise no dice. No play whatsoever.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - simsasylum.com My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Forum Resident
#1244 Old Today at 10:15 AM Last edited by Flaygor : Today at 10:36 AM.
So much for not affecting mods (as I saw reported on the answers forum), mine crashed when I used MCCC within a few minutes of running .151

However, there is already an MCCC update for June 6th.

Now to see what else it broke......

Edit: Apology. It only said Mods wouldn't be turned off when restarting.

ā™„ Receptacle Refugee ā™„ Now playing Sims 4 but not as EA intended.....
#1245 Old Today at 11:59 AM Last edited by Gargoyle Cat : Today at 2:48 PM.
Part of this patch or whatever they're calling it was to fix the log in once a day, mobile game-like, bullshit thing they're doing. The exploit doesn't work anymore according to Iron Seagull. This doesn't matter for Mac and PC players as they can just download the stuff, but console players are going to have obey.

Another Patch?! No More Reward Exploits For Us!


If videos from Erin Simmer are correct, there is plenty more of this kind crap coming. She is one of the few who pulls actual info from EA's quarterly fiscal reports which is nice. The stuff about EA and Andrew Wilson's mutterings starts at the 4:08 mark which talks about other ways to live in players pockets AKA Wilson is looking for lifetime revenue although I don't think he says that in this particular report. "Lifetime revenue" is typically a term used when gaming companies talk about whales.

Wilson doesn't get specific, but more using the community as a guinea pig is coming.

Controversial Limited Time "Rewards" (Sims 4 Update)

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