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#1 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 5:09 AM
Default Questions for the Atheists
If you all don't mind, I would like to ask the atheists a few questions. I'm NOT trying to star an argument, make anyone look bad, insult, or offend anyone. Which is why I'm asking if it's okay to ask a few things. I'm just curious about some stuff.

If anyone thinks I am being offensive, I apologize and won't ask anything.
And all the maladies of the world burst forth from Pandora's cooch
#2 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 5:12 AM
Original Poster
#3 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 5:26 AM
Ok thanks. I got attacked for asking on imdb. I wasn't sure if I was on the right board or not, if it's not I'm sure the Mods will move it.

1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
5) How do you do weddings?
6) How are you funerals performed?
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
And all the maladies of the world burst forth from Pandora's cooch
#4 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 5:46 AM
1) Like a lot of people, I put up a tree, sing carols, hang up the mistletoe, and decorate. All of which pre-date the Christian concept of Christmas, and have their roots in the pagan religions. The early church appropriated these practices to facilitate conversions, reasoning that if people didn't have to change their traditions, it would be easier to gather followers.
2) I say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever is most appropriate to the person I am speaking to.
3) Nope.
4) Like a lot of people, I decorate, eat lots of eggs, watch a lot of rabbit-related TV specials, etc. These traditions are all part of pagan Spring Fertility festivals, as is the manner in which the date of the holiday is chosen year after year. Even the name "Easter" is derived from a pagan Spring Goddess. (see answer 1 above)
5) A person who is legaly able to officiate at marriages says "man and wife", they kiss, we all eat lots of cake. Just like everyone else.
6) That depends on the persons final wishes, but basically, the same as everyone else (notice a trend?)
7) Unless they expressly declared an opposition to that being their final resting place, no. But most of my family opts for cremation anyways.
8) Yes. Those days are about the wishes of those involved, not about me. I would support them.
9) I don't know how many courts actually make you swear on a bible anymore. Most just say "Raise your right hand." and then you get sworn in.
10) My husband IS a practicing Catholic. He has his views on certain things, and I have mine. Surprisingly, (or perhaps not) our views are remarkably similar. I just don't feel the need to go to Mass. Just because a person is a member of any religion, or none at all, shouldn't mean you exclude them from your life, since there are so many opposing views on Christianity and it's teachings within the churches itself (for example, some churches endorse Gay Marriage, while others do not). I judge a person on their actions and how they treat others.
#5 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 8:32 AM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
By offering our blood to Satan. Just kidding.

2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Either will do.

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
No. Merry Christmas has been the way for decades.

4) How do you celebrate Easter?
If it's warm, go to the beach. If it's too cold to go to the beach, then just casually relax.

5) How do you do weddings?
With a priest appropriate for the occasion. A wedding is a ceremony.

6) How are you funerals performed?
With a priest. It is a ceremony for remembrance and priests know how to handle it.

7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
No I wouldn't be upset. Especially if that is how they wanted it.

8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
Yes. Show my support to them on their special day.

9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
With the Bible. That has been the way since forever, and the Bible is still sacred to people.

10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
No, we non-believers are all in league together with Satan. I have one Christian friend and a few Christian aquaintances. I can marry a Christian, after I can be sure that she is not a Seventh Day Adventist.
#6 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 9:34 AM Last edited by Mistermook : 25th Mar 2013 at 12:10 AM. Reason: Typo
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?

I buy people presents. They give me presents. Sometimes I have a tree, but decorations annoy me so it's mostly for other people. I cook a lot. Since my daughter is grown I do all of it a lot less, and what I do depends more on my nieces and if they're showing up more.

2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Neither, unless it's to children. Or ironically. Or I'm drunk.

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?

Depends if they were smug or annoying. A lot of people I'm offended by them simply talking to me in the first place.

4) How do you celebrate Easter?

I don't. I don't even have a fascination with peeps. Occasionally I take advantage of all of the fish specials that pop up on menus this time of year.

5) How do you do weddings?

The courthouse if someone twisted my arm, wherever anyone else is doing it for everyone else. Telling people where they can or can't have weddings is like telling people they can or can't get married in the first place. It's their wedding. I'm just there for the free booze and maybe to hit on the ladies.

6) How are you funerals performed?

I've never had a funeral for myself yet. I'll let you know.

7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?

If I were buried in a church cemetery and I was able to be mad or upset about it, I think it would be clearly justified. But only for a few minutes until the air ran out...

I'll bury people where they want to be buried, even if I have to deal with annoying funeral preachers. I've asked people to cremate me, but basically they've told me to go screw myself. I'm fairly sure that makes me a better person that they are, but I'm unlikely to shit all over their wishes like they're insisting they'll shit all over mine. Once I'm dead though, I won't give a shit anymore than anyone does.

If I ever win the lottery I'm going to have them freeze my head so I can come back Buck Rogers style.

8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?

Why wouldn't I? It's rude to not attend the wedding and only show up for the liquor.

9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?

When sworn in at court I'll advocate as I'm required by law to advocate. Much of court is the theater of appearances anyways. I even wear a suit to court, which is nonsense and lot more irritating than even churches. If the government requires me to show up with a potted plant then that's what I'm going to do.

10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)

I'm friends with Christians and just about anyone who's not an asshole I guess. In practice that's fairly limiting for the religious in my experience, but it's fairly limiting for humans too. Weirdly, I've got a lot of Mormon friends: I don't find anything appealing about their religion, but that perky, weird optimism thing? It's not that it's appealing, but it's just so weird. Plus they would never push their religion on me, because I think I've adequately convinced them that I would kill them and keep their corpses in my freezer for sexual gratification.

I'm not likely to marry anyone at this point, I have just enough empathy to not wish myself on anyone for more than a week or two.
#7 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 11:48 AM
I don't exactly label myself as an atheist, as I do have certain Buddhist beliefs and I believe in a higher power, but I'm not Christian anyway, like the rest of my family.

1)I celebrate it like everyone else, with a Christmas tree (put up by my parents most of the time), decorations, cookies, family gatherings, lots of food, getting fat, presents etc. It has no religious meaning whatsoever to me, however.
2)Merry Christmas, if it's Christmas, Happy Holidays if it's before/after Christmas.
3)No way.
4)Eggs, again, lots of food, family gatherings etc. I quite enjoy it, even going to church on Easter's Eve, because it's a nice change of environments.
5)Uhm, well, depends on whom I'm going to marry. If I am to marry a man, I'll certainly do it in a church (be it a Christian one, a Judaic one, etc). If I am to marry a woman, I don't think I'd be allowed to do it in a church. But the answer is that yes, if I can, I would marry in a church, just for tradition's sake.
6) Thankfully, we haven't had many funerals in our family, but the ones that we have had, have been performed as your usual Christian funerals.
7) I frankly do not care, it's entirely their choice as to where they want to be buried, if they want to be burnt, etc. I would agree to whatever they chose.
8) Obviously, I feel like that is a way to show how much you love someone, by attending to such important events, wherever they might be.
9) It wouldn't mean anything to me if I swore on a Bible, I'd probably ask for a Tipitaka to swear on, that would have more meaning to me, I suppose.
10) I don't care what someone's religion / gender / sexuality / race or things like that is, so the answer is yes, I certainly would.

Evil doesn't worry about not being good. - The Warden, Dragon Age Origins
#8 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 12:10 PM
1) Christmas tree, cookies, lots of food, presents, all that stuff and generally having a nice time. It's more about being together than celebrating Christian traditions. Some of the songs we sing while dancing around are Christian, but it's more because some of them are rather nice.
2) As English isn't my first language, I would most likely say "Glædelig jul", haha, but in English it would be Merry Christmas.
3) No, not at all.
4) There isn't much celebration, really. Some family get-together and easter eggs. Sometimes we decorate with chickens and such, but it's not something we really bother to anymore.
5) I most likely wouldn't marry in a church.
6) The few funerals I've been to, have been in a church, but my granddad was a priest, so anything else would probably be weird.
7) No, I'm actually pretty sure, you have no choice but to be buried at the church cemetery. You're allowed to have the ceremony at the chapel and probably elsewhere as well, if you like. But it's doesn't matter much to me, even though I don't believe much of what the priest says.
8) Yes, of course! It matters more to me to be there than avoiding religious traditions. Just because I've chosen not to believe, I'm still open towards others choices.
9) I don't know, actually. I don't know if I would have to swear in anyone around here any way, but I would probably just say I swear. (It's tempting to say "on the face of my father" though, haha.)
10) Yeah, sure! As long as they aren't trying to shove it down my throat. The biggest problem I would have, would probably be how I disagree about baptising children, since I believe it's a choice you and not your parents must take.
Née whiterider
retired moderator
#9 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 12:38 PM
The biggest problem I would have, would probably be how I disagree about baptising children, since I believe it's a choice you and not your parents must take.
A lot of Christians believe that too - in fact, traditionally (in the UK at least), baptists don't let anyone under the age of 16 be baptised.

P.S. Yay SATW! :P

What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
Rubric Wrangler
retired moderator
#10 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 12:58 PM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
Tree, presents, family, music.

2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Either will do.

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
Nope. I just say thanks and wish them one as well.

4) How do you celebrate Easter?
Chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

5) How do you do weddings?
Haven't had one personally, but I'd just like something simple, not in a church.

6) How are you funerals performed?
If you're asking how I'd like my own funeral, no funeral, just a small memorial service with lots of music and family, once again not in a church.

7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
How could I be mad when I'm dead? I want a biodegradable urn, that's my only emphatic wish. Where it goes I really don't care. As for anyone else, no. It's their choice.

8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
Of course. Just because I don't believe the same things, doesn't mean I boycott the important events of my family.

9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
I'd prefer not to swear on a bible, yes. If you mean what could I legally do, I have no clue.

10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
I have many religious friends and family. I don't choose my friends based on religion. As for marriage, if they're a nice enough person and aren't set on raising a completely religious child, sure.

The meadows are in bloom:
who has ever seen such insolence?

Mad Poster
#11 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 1:08 PM
1) I celebrate Christmas (Yule is closer to what we call it arond here - it was originally a winter solstice celebration, and the Christians adapted it into their beliefs) the way my family has done since before I was born - with good food, a decorated tree and gifts. Most of my family is still Christian (in various degrees, from vaguely religious to regular church goers with strong beliefs), and Yule is one tradition I refuse to let go of, because I love it so much. I just don't go to church or do all the very Christian stuff.

2) I say something like "Good Yule" (which sounds really weird in English, I admit). I think I'll opt for "happy holidays" or something such.

3) Around here most people say "Good Yule", so I've never really thought about it. At forums people say what they feel most comfortable with, so I don't get too hung up in it.

4) I celebrate Easter with candy, Easter eggs and a vacation from school/work. No church going for me (it was obligatory at elementary school, and I always sat hoping we would get one of the speedy priests because end of church session meant start of vacation - I wasn't much religious back then, either)

5) Weddings... This actually bothers me a little. My family is all for church weddings, though I'm not sure what I'll do when I sometime get married. I have to think about it. But it's fully possible to have a beautiful marriage outside of a church, too.

6) Again, my family is Christian, so it's regular funerals with a coffin and church and all that. I think it's nice to have someplace to go to visit my loved ones. The graveyard is not beside the church, either, so it doesn't feel so weird. I'm not very fond of the church ceremony, though. But we usually have a memorial afterward with family and friends, which is a tradition I really like.

7) I already have a lot of buried family members, and I didn't exactly have a say. As for myself, I couldn't exactly be mad about it if I was dead, or what? But if I knew, and had the chance to plan, I don't think I'd opt for the church ceremony stuff.

8) Of course! Why wouldn't I?

9) I have no idea. I don't think they do the bible thing around here, although I'm not entirely sure. Never been in court...

10) If I really loved someone I wouldn't bother which religion they followed, as long as I don't get it shoved into my face every day. I probably would have gotten into an argument about baptizing, too. I was baptized as a baby and didn't have a say, which sort of annoys me - but I think my own children should be allowed to choose for themselves which way they want to follow (as long as I'm not voted down on that when the time comes). But I'm also of the opinion that it's nice with some kind of name party for the baby, which is how I think of the whole thing when family members get their babies Christened/Baptized.

There are 3 reasons why I go to church: Funerals, Christening/Baptizing and weddings. And I do it for my family. I wouldn't feel right to let my beliefs come in the way of theirs. And perhaps there's a 4th reason, which is concerts (great acoustics) - although it's only on rare occasions.
#12 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 1:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by whiterider
A lot of Christians believe that too - in fact, traditionally (in the UK at least), baptists don't let anyone under the age of 16 be baptised.

P.S. Yay SATW! :P

In Denmark we have our confirmation at 13-14 years old, were you have to be baptised to go through it (well, it wouldn't really be a confirmation, if there weren't anything to confirm.) Sadly, many kids just want the party and the gifts and many parents won't throw that party unless the kids go to church and straight out lie about their beliefs.

And yay! SATW rocks.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#13 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 2:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by leo06girl
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
5) How do you do weddings?
6) How are you funerals performed?
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?

I'm not really an atheist (I'd say I'm not anything) but I'll have a go at your questions.

1. I'm not sure what you mean here. Do I celebrate it as a Christian event? No. As a mid-winter event common to many cultures? Yes, I guess so (though not in a religious sense)
2. Neither, I'm English we say Happy Christmas usually.
3. Nope.
4. Don't.
5. Weddings are about other people, not me. I usually celebrate it the way they want it, out of respect for their wishes. If it's a Christian (or other religious) ceremony, I just don't take part in the religious bits. If you're asking about my wedding, it was in a registry office (not sure you have them over there) with me and Him Indoors, the registrar and two witnesses. Marriage is a civil contract - at least it is here, not a religious one.
6. Funerals - I'd behave according to whoever was throwing the funeral, like the wedding. As for my own funeral I DO NOT CARE.
7. Nope - funerals are about the living. If people want/need to bury a loved one in that way, it's fine by me. Like the wedding, I just wouldn't take part in the religious bits. I buried my own father with a church ceremony. This did not reflect my wishes but the wishes of most of my (remaining - not many) family and also the expressed wishes of my father. I wanted an event that everyone was comfortable with and was able to take part in. The religious aspect didn't bother me - my concern was to be with my family and my father's friends and say goodbye. I'm not precious about my lack of religiosity. I know people have some sort of need to believe in ... well, something. I can't understand it myself since I have obviously never felt that need but I don't see any reason to dictate to others what they feel and need.
8. It should be obvious by now that the answer would be 'yes, of course (just don't expect me to pray).'
9. I don't know about US courts but there have been provisions here for a good century or more for swearing in for people with different ideas about life.
10. I have plenty of Christian (and other faith) friends. If I was being truthful, I would say I think it's a small weakness in their characters but I generally like people I call friends more than that such an insignificant defect of character would put me off. OTOH, I don't really know anybody who has an intense religious interest (my choice of friends, of course). Him Indoors is like me - I'm not sure I could put up with someone who was overtly religious in my personal life.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Mad Poster
#14 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 2:35 PM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
Tree, presents, food, sleep till noon.

2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Happy Holidays.

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?

4) How do you celebrate Easter?
Eggs, food, sleep till noon.

5) How do you do weddings?
City hall ceremony followed by a nice party.

6) How are you funerals performed?
A nice party would be nice.

7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
I don't particularly like cemeteries, they are kind of creepy and crowded. But I'll be mad if I'll be burried and still be able to be mad about it.

8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
Sure, why not.

9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
Not sure what the procedure is, but if I have to swear I'll just say I do.

10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
Depends on how big a part religion plays in their life and whether they try to impose their beliefs on me.
#15 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 4:06 PM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
Gifts, a dinner with my family, a lot of unhealthy food. That's it. We don't even have a Christmas tree (I'm living in a small apartment).
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Yeah, why not? For me, it's a habit, not a religious thing.
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
I wouldn't be offended, just annoyed if I hear it too often
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
I don't. It's just an extra day when I don't have to work.
5) How do you do weddings?
A small civil wedding, then a celebration with a lot of food and alcohol.
6) How are you funerals performed?
No funeral, just a cremation, and then we put the urn in a plastic bag and take it home, and eventually to the cemetery. My uncle had had my grandmother stored in a tool cabinet for two years
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
No. In fact, my family is buried in a church cemetery. It's a lovely place, established in the 19th century, and the central cross doesn't bother me at all; it's quite pretty and gives the place the right mystic atmosphere.
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
I would just enjoy the lovely ambience and ignore what the priest says.
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
I'd have no problem with that. For all I care, I could swear on Jamie Oliver's cookbook; it would make no difference to me.
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
I've tried to be friends with some Christians, but it never worked.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 6:33 PM
I apologize beforehand if my answers come off as almost militant atheist as I was born and still live in the Bible Belt of the US, so it's really difficult dealing with so many christians who want to shove their religion down my throat (though to be fair, there are those who don't care or are wise enough not to press matters)

1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
The usual. Put up tree, decorate the house, little battery lit candles in the window, etc. Depending if relatives are visiting xmas day or not, we either start cooking in the morning or sleep in and just pig out on appetizer foods. One side of the family I visit on xmas eve and we pass out presents, eat food, play games, etc. If my relatives on that side were religious, you wouldn't be able to tell.
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
I say "Merry whatever your winter festivity choosing is", but mostly stick to just Happy Holidays
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
No, as it's pretty ingrained in a lot of people.
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
I don't.
5) How do you do weddings?
Other peoples' weddings, I don't care if they're in a church, etc. As for myself, if I ever get married, it won't be in a church and, if I can avoid it, with a priest doing it.
6) How are you funerals performed?
I never really noticed. The few funerals I went to, 2 were more military style (they were veterans) and the other was semi-religious, but I just sat there and ignored the religious stuff and thought about the deceased and moments with them instead.
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
Loved ones, no, if it was their choice to be buried there. As for myself, I don't even want to be buried, I want to be cremated and my living family can decide if they want to keep my ashes around or spread them out to the wind. Or maybe take a small amount of my ashes and have something unique created from it. Just don't bury me in a church cemetery.
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
Yes, just don't expect me to listen to the religious bits.
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
This bothers me. Because I'm blunt, I would point out that I don't believe in a god and ask if they still want me to swear on a book that doesn't mean anything to me. But I think more and more are doing the "just raise hand" swears instead of the bible.
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
Friends with? Yes, as long as they don't push their beliefs on me. The better question though is, do they want to be friends with me? I have a friend (and I say that loosely) who used to be semi-close to me until she mysteriously stopped talking to me, wanting to hang out, etc. I found out through 2 mutual friends it was because she realized I was an atheist and she couldn't deal with it.

As for marrying a religious person? No with an exception for Buddhists, as it's more of enlightenment and about your character and not the belief in a god. The primary reason is that I don't want any future children of mine raised religiously. My mom tried to, unsuccessfully, raise me baptist since I was born, and you just grow to really hate it if it's not what you believe in. Not to mention the family strain when I finally told my mom I was an atheist at 13 (we're actually really close now since all that). Instead, I would like to teach my future children about all the different religions out there and they can decide for themselves what they want to believe, if any.

My LJ / My Simblr
Formerly known as ShadowsMystery
#17 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 7:05 PM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
Like most people. Decorating the christmas tree, eating dinner with my family (that might have more Christian belief, don't know) and opening gifts. I do not go to church or have a christmas crib on the other hand.
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
"God jul" (Norwegian). It's basically the same as saying "have a nice christmas".
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
Absolutely not!
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
My mum decorates our apartment with chickens and we have a big Easter egg with candy in it. Besides that people here mostly go skiing or visit their cabins.
5) How do you do weddings?
Those I've been to have been in a church. I'm not a member of one anymore, so mine will probably be somewhere else. Hopefully outside.
6) How are you funerals performed?
I want to be cremated.
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
No. For me I don't think I would have noticed, since I was dead.
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
Doesn't relate to the Norwegian court I think.
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
Any religion that doesn't look down on woman and gay people. I could never marry a muslim due to my beliefs (no offence, it would just not work).
Mad Poster
#18 Old 24th Mar 2013 at 7:40 PM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
Like commercial scum. :P
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Merry Christmas. Getting pissed off over the word Christmas because you're a SUPER AWESOME ATHEIST is just fucking pathetic in my opinion.
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
Fuck no.
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
5) How do you do weddings?
Alright. I haven't been to a whole lot of weddings, in fact only one since I learnt to walk, talk and not poop myself so admittedly I don't have a whole lot of experience with the religious side of weddings, but whatever, I can deal with it.
6) How are you funerals performed?
I don't join in with the hymns, but that's only because I don't know the words or the tune.
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
Not at all.
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
I'd probably say whatever the hell I was supposed to say on account of shitting myself at somehow ending up in court LOL.
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
My girlfriend describes herself as "sort of" Catholic, so yeah. Perhaps a strange religious choice for a lesbian relationship, but *shrugs*, One of my best friends, who took me under her wing seven years ago, is a devout Christian. We've lived together all that time and it's never caused any troubles between our difference in beliefs.
#19 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 2:35 AM
I consider myself a Philosophical theist. Which means I believe in God, but it's not based off organized religion or revelations. I incorporate many ideals from many religions and philosophy into my views of life.

I still want to play.

1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
I celebrate with my & my boyfriend's families. We eat dinner, open gifts. My family is mostly Christian, although my aunt & uncle are Buddhist, and my boyfriend's family is mostly Atheist.
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Happy Holidays. There are many religious holidays around that time, not everyone celebrates Christmas.
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
No. I'd say it back.
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
Brunch with my family. Though, I see it as just having brunch with my family, not celebrating Easter.
5) How do you do weddings?
For my own wedding, I would like to take our close family on vacation and have a small ceremony there. It wouldn't include any scripture, but I would like to include something to incorporate my spirituality, while respecting my boyfriend's lack of.
6) How are you funerals performed?
That depends on who died and their practices. That's not really up to me. Funerals are meant to say goodbyes, respect, honor, and remember the person, not the time/place to implement personal beliefs on someone.
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
No. But I would prefer to be composted or cremated. Saves my loved ones a lot of money.
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
Absolutely! I wouldn't miss it. I respect one's right to choose their religion. It's a personal belief and shouldn't matter to the people that love you.
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
Do people get a choice in that? I would be sworn in however it was required.
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
A lot of my friends follow different religions so, yes. As far as dating someone, I would probably have a harder time dating someone with different political views than me, than I would different religious beliefs. But, as long as opinions are being respected, and nothing is being pushed onto the other, there shouldn't be an issue. As mentioned earlier, my boyfriend and I do share different religious beliefs.
Forum Resident
#20 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 2:50 AM
1) How do you celebrate Christmas?
depends if am working or not, but mostly just dinner with friends
2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
either one is fine
3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?
nope,why would i be offended?
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
depends on work
5) How do you do weddings?
my fiancee and i were planning to have a very simple ceremony nothing fancy
6) How are you funerals performed?
sort of pagan-ish
7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?
yes,i did get upset about that because my fiancee wanted to be buried next to the house on my farm
8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?
not sure,depends on many things at the time
9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?
depends on which country i am in
10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?
yes, most of my friends are religious
Original Poster
#21 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 2:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by scoopy_loopy

It's cute you're so interested, is your town very religious?

Not really. I don't really live in a town. I'm at least fifteen miles outside of a town. My Dad's family is, Mom's isn't. I believe in God with my whole heart.

It's nice that you all understand that I'm just honestly curious and gave answers without being hateful. The Atheists I encountered on imdb were the most hateful, judgemental, and narrow minded, hypocritical people I have ever come across. That's what made me ask 7 & 10.
I tried asking this stuff there a while back, but I'm sure you can guess how that turned out. I really appreciate everyone being nice about answering.

Quote: Originally posted by whiterider
A lot of Christians believe that too - in fact, traditionally (in the UK at least), baptists don't let anyone under the age of 16 be baptised.

I believe that in order to be Baptized, the person should be old enough to make the decision by themselves and know and understand what it means. Parents should not force them into it.

Quote: Originally posted by PharaohHound
4) How do you celebrate Easter?
Chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

That's one of the ways I celebrate Easter and Christmas too. I make huge candy bags full of homemade candy for Christmas gifts. For Easter, I made a huge platter of homemade chocolates. Can you tell I have a very serious chocolate addiction yet?

To whoever said you don't like when other's force their beliefs down your throat, TBH I don't like those who do that either, which is why I don't. Sure, you can force someone to attend Church, but you cannot force them to truly believe. I am NOT ashamed or embarrassed of my beliefs, and I have no problem with telling them when asked. But I wouldn't want someone else trying to make me believe otherwise, so I don't do that to others.

I just thought of another questions (for the Americans). How do you say the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you say, "one nation under God"? Do you skip that line, or say the Pledge at all?
Mad Poster
#22 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 3:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RedSneakers
In Denmark we have our confirmation at 13-14 years old, were you have to be baptised to go through it (well, it wouldn't really be a confirmation, if there weren't anything to confirm.) Sadly, many kids just want the party and the gifts and many parents won't throw that party unless the kids go to church and straight out lie about their beliefs.

It's the same where I live. But at 14 years or thereabout you're usually more interested in the gifts than the actual confirmation ceremony. I would say that you're still too young to make a stand on what you're believing or not at that age.

The confirmation ceremony is a strong family tradition in my family, and with the gifts and all, no one really complains, no matter what they really believe in... So yeah - 18 year age limit on bapticism/christening would be nice. Would be easier to actually make the choice rather than going with the flow.

(by the way, that's another of my church-going reasons. Mostly for the family's sake. And the cakes. And for the fact that it's a good excuse to see my faraway relatives for festivities. But thankfully it's been once every other year or so, and it's several years until the next time...)
Mad Poster
#23 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 3:47 AM
Agnostic with my own beliefs on the afterlife, but whatever. Same difference.

1) How do you celebrate Christmas?

By getting together with people that I love and exchanging gifts, going out to see the lights and celebrating with food and drinks. Giving back to people and generally going the extra mile to make sure that my customers get the most out of our hardware.

2) Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Happy Christmas.

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?


4) How do you celebrate Easter?

I don't. We take Kylar out to an egg hunt or something if there's one locally but that's it.

5) How do you do weddings?

I've never been married, but honestly I would like to write my own vows and my partner his or hers. It's all about the two people getting married, and the way that they show their love to each other through that day.

6) How are your funerals performed?

Gathering somewhere and going through photographs, video, etc. of the deceased, generally remembering, and then everyone goes out to a nice restaurant after the burial, if there were no requests. If there are funeral requests, then we follow them. Simple as that.

7) Would you be mad/upset if you or a loved one was buried in a church cemetery?

No, because those were their beliefs and not mine.

8) If a loved one's wedding or funeral was held in a church, or was a religious ceremony, would you attend?

Of course! That includes any other place of worship.

9) If you had to testify in court, how would you be sworn in? Would you just have to say you swear?

Where I am, you just have to say that you swear, religion and the court are separate here.

10) Would you be friends with or marry a Christian (or other religious follower)?

Yes, I am and it doesn't really matter to me as long as they don't force anything on me, and if they do, I tell them that I don't force my beliefs on anybody, and I'd like the same respect.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Original Poster
#24 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 5:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DigitalSympathies

3) Would you be offended if someone told you Merry Christmas?


I asked that because around here there has been a lot of controversy over saying Merry Christmas. Because it's not politically correct and it offends some. A few businesses even tried to make their employees stop saying "Merry Christmas" because it was so offensive.
#25 Old 25th Mar 2013 at 6:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by leo06girl
I just thought of another questions (for the Americans). How do you say the Pledge of Allegiance? Do you say, "one nation under God"? Do you skip that line, or say the Pledge at all?

I don't.

I would if I were a soldier, and if I were a soldier I'd do it the way they told me I had to, regardless of my feelings on the matter. Which is pretty much the case for any other government demanded requirement of my pledge.

If I had a choice I'd revert to "one nation indivisible." I think that's bullshit too, but it's a much nicer sentiment than "one nation under God," since that sentiment essentially implies "except for those not under God, and fuck those guys." We're absolutely divisible, but at least indivisible sounds a lot more in the spirit of "all men were created equal" and a democratic society.

Mostly though I don't think pledges of blind allegiance are worth anymore than pledges of blind faith.
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