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#1 Old 6th Sep 2016 at 8:40 PM
Default Alien disguise problem
Hi, last i played sims 4 was almost a year ago. I updated it to latest and also got the latest dlc-s. When i had the game before my alien sim was male and had female disguise. I managed that by first making my alien sim female, then changing the disguise as i wanted, swaped out of disguise and made my sim male with cas edit, when i disguised my male sim he had female disguise and as long as i didnt try to change the disguise it remained as it was before i made my sim male with cas edit. Now after i updated the game and got the latest dlc-s i cant do that, when changing my male sim gender the disguise it changed automatically.
So my question/problem is, was it always possible and EA just fixed it in the patches/dlc-s that i got or was it some mod that made it possible (have a lot of mods). Its been too long since i played it last and don´t recall if it was from a mod.
Hope to get some info because otherwise have to remove the game, get it to that patch and only thous dlc-s that i had before (will be a pain), so i could see if it was mod or game bug that got fixed. Also if it wasn´t a mod, could a mod like that be made and if so, is there any. If not but could be made, would try to make it myself.
#2 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 5:02 AM
Read up on the patch notes from the last year. Lots of changes have been made to genders like being able to have a masculine female or a feminine male. You could also just have very outdated mods. I would suggest removing all mods and doing the 50/50 method to determine what is causing you problems.
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Original Poster
#3 Old 14th Sep 2016 at 6:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mummy_001
Read up on the patch notes from the last year. Lots of changes have been made to genders like being able to have a masculine female or a feminine male. You could also just have very outdated mods. I would suggest removing all mods and doing the 50/50 method to determine what is causing you problems.

Thanks for reply but i dont think u understood my question/problem. I wanted to know the reason why i could have male or female alien with opposite sex disguise, and no, not the feminine male or masculine female, but male alien with female disguise (in disguise he had female body and clothes) and other way around also. I could even make child with adult disguise but because the body size was different it looked like something out of a horror movie. I read the patch notes and EA didnt mentione anything related to that.
What i wanted to know was if it was possible because of a mod that i had or older sims version, as nobody seems to have any input i think it was some sideeffect of a mod that nobody else had noticed. Because i can´t replicate the disguise thing with the latest patched sims there can be only 2 reasons, first the mod that made it possible is outdated and thus broken and/or EA changed the way disguise are handled. With both reasons the only way to be able to make opposite gender disguise again is with a mod. If anyone knows to tell me if its possible and maybe point me in the right direction, i could give it a try myself, thou i haven´t done script mods before, or if somebody with more experience in moding could do it, would be awesome too.
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