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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 8th Feb 2023 at 12:44 AM Last edited by Senni : 30th Dec 2023 at 10:15 PM. Reason: added San Sequoia to screens and files
Default Change region sort + mini-tutorial
So... in the [senni]RegionSortTuning you will find *.package file with a region sort as follow:

How to insall:
just unzip a archiv and paste the *.package file in your ../documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder

But you can also make your own region sort tuning. You will need sims4studio and a text editor i. e. notepad or (better) notepad++
but simple windows notepad will do

So, step by step...

0. First download sims4studio at sims4studio.com and file XML_FILES_RegionSortTuning.zip form here. Unzip XML_FILES_RegionSortTuning.zip and then open sims4studio

1. click on "tools" then "extract tuning" and wait a little bit.
2. then search for Client_RegionSortTuning

3. choose RegionSort/Client_RegionSortTuning
4. and click "add to current package. Program will show you the window to choose a directory and name for your new file

5. We will only need a Sim Data type so click on Tuning
6. and then "delete"
7. and comfirm with "ok"

8. find [_CLEAR_]545AC67A!0057C8BA!4975267B03EE62E8.Client_RegionSortTuning.SimData.xml OR 545AC67A!0057C8BA!4975267B03EE62E8.Client_RegionSortTuning.SimData.xml on your computer and right click it
(i'm reccomending the '[_CLEAR_]' one because I don't know how game will react with comments in code. Don't mind diffrent file in screens, I made them before coming with and idea of clear-without comment version)

9. Choose "Notepad" or "Notepad++" and change the order of records
(i.e. remember to change the order of WHOLE line and keep it between and )

after changing the order save the file

10. Go back to sims4studio and click "import" then choose your edited file
11. then "save"

12. and you're done! Remember to copy your file to the mod directory! ../documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods

tested with game version
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: zip  [senni]RegionSortTuning.zip (493 Bytes, 21 downloads)
File Type: zip  XML_FILES_RegionSortTuning.zip (1.7 KB, 26 downloads)
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#2 Old 9th Feb 2023 at 10:32 AM
Hey @Senni !

We've moved your tutorial to the tutorials sections, since this seemed to be more of a tutorial, rather than a mod that adds more goodies to the game.

Super clearly written tutorial by the way! Tuning mods can be a bit of a headache to understand when you start out, but this is really easy to follow!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Feb 2023 at 2:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Hey @Senni !

We've moved your tutorial to the tutorials sections, since this seemed to be more of a tutorial, rather than a mod that adds more goodies to the game.

Super clearly written tutorial by the way! Tuning mods can be a bit of a headache to understand when you start out, but this is really easy to follow!

Thank you! For the nice words and for job you've done (sorry, don't have better words now ^^' but I guess you know what I meant)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 10th Feb 2023 at 2:55 AM Last edited by Senni : 30th Dec 2023 at 10:12 PM. Reason: added 329915 - Chestnut Ridge
Ah, I will add one-sentence instruction how to do it for people who just know how to deal with tuning mods.

TL;DR ver:

You will need to override tuning: 545AC67A!0057C8BA!4975267B03EE62E8.Client_RegionSortTuning.SimData
this is the original order of the worlds:

  • 8086 - WillowCreek
  • 15740 - OasisSprings
  • 93517 - Newcrest
  • 72480 - Magnolia Promenade
  • 99995 - Windenburg
  • 117425 - San Myshuno
  • 146196 - Forgoten Hollow
  • 160112 - Brindleton Bay
  • 197663 - Del Sol Valley
  • 208768 - StrengerVille
  • 216823 - Sulani
  • 222656 - Glimmerbrook
  • 221598 - Britechester
  • 235805 - Evergreen Harbor
  • 246370 - Komorebi
  • 263602 - Hanford-on-Bagley
  • 287506 - Tartarosa
  • 310555 - Moonwood Mill
  • 290968 - Copperdale
  • 326726 - San Sequoia
  • 329915 - Chestnut Ridge
  • 359471 - Tomarang

  • 65983 - Granite Falls
  • 176583 - Salvadorada
  • 239546 - Batuu
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