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#1 Old 10th Jan 2015 at 12:49 AM
Sims 4 Modding Help
Hey everyone! How was your day? Thanks for stopping on to my thread. So basically my problem is i want to make a mod for the Sims 4. now my problem is, i want my mod to add in 1 new career, 1 new skill, and 1 new trait. And possibly a new aspiration.

Now my problem you may ask? 1 Im terrible at coding. 2 There are no mod makers that can do these things.

In case your wondering ive been searching for a mod maker for about 2 weeks.

So if someone knows a mod maker that can add skills, careers, traits, and possibly a aspiration, i would be very thankful.

OK thank you for reading my post. If your day was bad, i hope it turns better. And if your day is great i hope it stays that way. Bye!
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