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Original Poster
#1 Old 6th Apr 2007 at 1:59 AM
Pools are broken (working thread)?!
OK, you probably will notice that I've already started a thread like this but the original thread didn't contain my first post and wouldnt let me post in it any more times. I've started this thread again, so I hope thats alright... :confused:

When I build a pool, the water is just plain, clear blue, like this:


But I want my pool to look all shiny like this:


I hope someone can help me!!
thanks heaps!!
#2 Old 6th Apr 2007 at 2:15 AM
Im pretty sure if you type in the cheat "useshaders true" then the effects turn on. :D
#3 Old 6th Apr 2007 at 3:28 AM
The "Shiny" pool, as you put it, looks like crap IMO. WAY too much wave reflection-shadow-whatnot.

Plus it's a downer on game smoothness. If it isn't there by defaul, your card can't handle it properly, so if you cheat for it, it may not show up correct. Before installing seasons, mine showed up properly, but big squares of it would stop moving because my computer was unable to render it. After, it simply makes the water invisible.

So I leave it the way it is.
Test Subject
#4 Old 7th Apr 2007 at 5:15 PM
Mine, before Seasons was normal, also shiny...
But then....well. I use the cheat. Boolprop useshaders on and it shows up like the second one in the picture. It brights! And moves...and so works
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 7th Apr 2007 at 6:16 PM
yep sounds like you need a better graphic card the drawback for all the eps!
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