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Test Subject
#51 Old 20th Apr 2007 at 10:04 AM
Wow i never knew you guys did so much,thank you for all your continuing hard work and perseverance,we love you staff!!
Field Researcher
#52 Old 20th Apr 2007 at 12:01 PM
Ahh, a good and rather interesting post Delphy.

I must say, that I (like most I guess) are rather content with what we get and have access to here on MtS2, and rarely think about the wast and enormeous job it requires to run a site like this.
Day to day work here on the site must be very hard and frustrating at times, with anoying people whining about things they dont have any right to whine about, but also very rewarding I take it, to watch the site grow and develop as much as it has done the past few years and to be able to see all the fantastic job the modders do and all the wonderful items uploaded by custom content creators.

I have at times felt that I should contribute more than I have done, something I think that many members, that are like me, feel they should have or should do. Since most of us are not fantastic creators per se.
But what we can do however, is to continue to be part of the fantastic community that MtS2 has developed in too. And perhaps in the long run do contribute, with ad hoc helping posts, some few uploads of houses and whatnots, not to mention to be active on the social forums.
And of course, make a small donation every now and then to help this site run as smooth as possible and to take some of the burden away from the owner(s).
So, in conclusion, I would like to summon up my rantings with what I meant to say... thanks for giving us the finest Sims2 community on the net. Keep up the hard work, and dont ever hesitate to ask for help.

// G

"Sims2 is life... all the rest is just details!"
Forum Resident
#53 Old 20th Apr 2007 at 12:35 PM
thanx so much 4 the hard work 4 tiping all this!mts2 is really lovely pleace!thanx Delphy 4 everything!regards
#54 Old 20th Apr 2007 at 12:55 PM
THANK You everybody and all staff!!!!!!!!!!

Lab Assistant
#55 Old 23rd Apr 2007 at 4:06 AM
Wow. You guys are verrrry hard workers. I wouldn't be able to handle the complaints, that little temper of mine might get in the way of that! But thank you so much for all you do, this is my favorite site relating to the Sims 2 (and I'm not just saying that!) and I really appreciate all you do and I hope that everyone else does too. =] Thank you!!!

He got Colgate on his teeth and Reebok classics on his feet.
Test Subject
#56 Old 24th Apr 2007 at 12:48 AM
It's about time Delphy shows how hard the staff works. Keep up a good job, model admins!

MTS2007-Year of the Creator
Create it. Share it. Play it.
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 24th Apr 2007 at 2:02 AM
I have been to many sites for this game and i have to say this is by far my favprite. the staff are great people, the site works great, and i enjoy all of my time here. I just want to say thanks to ALL of the staff, and the people who make this site run smoothly. I am honpred to be a member of this site. I cpome here every day to look and see whats new. I even help some members if i can(i can do very little but hey..) Just wanted to say thanks guys, and great work!

Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take our breath away.
Test Subject
#58 Old 24th Apr 2007 at 9:30 PM
Default =)
i happen to like your essays, Delphy!
the staff of MTS2 always amaze me, i wonder, how can you keep up your actual lives when you have so much to do on this site?
you all are wonderful,and the sims wouldn't be the same without this community. thank you for all your hard work!
Test Subject
#59 Old 26th Apr 2007 at 3:01 AM
Even though I am a new member to ModtheSims2, have found the content to be in superb quality. I greatly appreciate all the time, effort and patience that the administrators, staff, and creators have and continue to accomplished
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 26th Apr 2007 at 7:57 PM
What angelphantom said...me too. My gosh- you don't get paid!!??? "Thanks" seems so lame.
Test Subject
#61 Old 27th Apr 2007 at 9:54 AM
In my opinion, there is only one place to go for all your sim 2 needs and that is MTS2.
This place is the only "community" I have ever came across that feels like a community. Everyone here is just so helpful and nice and do go out their way to help others out. It's very rare to find a place where there is little or no posts arguing and insulting everyone and I think the MTS2 staff should be proud for what they have achieved here. The content and tutorials here are of top quality and I would be lost without this site.

I can never express just how grateful I am to all the MTS2 staff for all the great work they do, and also the community members for all their great work too. I really do admire and look up to the staff here and quite frankly I am sometimes in awe of what they can do! This place is the best sims place out there, no other sites come close to MTS2, I do feel quite at home here and just wanted to give the staff the praise and thanks that they totally deserve.

In closing MTS2 is a wee gem of a community, the staff are the best and the work and dedication everyone puts into this site is immense. I thank you all
Test Subject
#62 Old 27th Apr 2007 at 1:04 PM
You guys rock!!! Thanks so much guys!!!
keep up the good work!
Test Subject
#63 Old 4th May 2007 at 3:10 AM Last edited by PrincessD : 4th May 2007 at 3:13 AM. Reason: typos
I'm a lurker. I can't find the time to post regularly, and I often have nothing significant to add to a discussion. Nevertheless, I love MTS2, and I don't take the site for granted. I recognize that this is a labor of love for ALL of you -- staff, admins, creators-- and that you are all unpaid volunteers. We are lucky that you staff are here for us and keep everything running smoothly. I don't doubt the sheer amount of work you do, for us. I give you my heartfelt thanks.

As I used to moderate a community, I realize what what you go through. While it was one tenth the size of MTS2, the headaches moderating generates are universal. There will always be ungreatful people who think that they are owed everything, and who do nothing but complain about every aspect of the site.

When all that gets you down, and it seems like you're doing this for nothing-- please know we're not all like that, and that theres a lot of us that appreciate you very much. I will always be greatful that MTS2 exists.

Thank you all.
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 6th May 2007 at 11:10 PM
Well I for one am just greatful that so many creative and skilled people are willing to share their talents. I will admit I don't write a lot of posts so my post count doesn't matter. I do try and comment whenever I think its needed however, even when my idea might be totally wrong (which is usually the case).

I kind of believe in a simple rule: "if I can't say something good and hopefully helpful, don't say it".

But regardless of that rule, all the people who have given their abilities to make this site work are to be praised not complained about.

Lab Assistant
#65 Old 7th May 2007 at 6:44 AM
Excellent moding site! I learnt a great deal here! But I really hope this site along with the top creators, 2taff, & admins will survive the test of time. I've seen enthusaism for games c0me and go but this is different. It's the imagination, creativity and passion to design(a1ong with donations for maintainence) that drives this site.

So many things can be modded.

Therefore keep up the great work everyone and let's see what's instore 4 us in the future....


LOTR Sauron: "Time??, What time do you think we have?"
Test Subject
#66 Old 8th May 2007 at 6:03 PM
I never really though about all the hard work you guys do to make my favorite site run smoothly.

Thank you so much! You are doing a GREAT job!

"Save it, we forgot the ring bearer!"
Test Subject
#67 Old 19th May 2007 at 1:27 PM
I appreciate every thing each one of you do to share with us and keep this site fun and going.
Field Researcher
#68 Old 28th May 2007 at 4:42 AM
After all the mutual admiration and placating Babe all I know is that at some point the site went from brilliant to at best ordinary. I am not placing blame in any specific quarter rather voicing an opinion. The reality of any service free or otherwise is quality and blame shifting does little to foster positive relationships. While admittedly, there would be a huge amount of work involved in running a project like MTS2. Simply as cited above the site has a large number of "Staff" I always wonder about the abilities of those who become involved volunteer or otherwise.

It is always nice to hear nice things said about anything we do but sometimes we have to be critical about the value of what others say in achieving our goals.

Facts are meaningless they can be used to prove anything
Née whiterider
retired moderator
#69 Old 11th Jun 2007 at 11:32 AM
We have:
21 full staff members
875,993 members

875,993/20 = 43800

So every staff member gets to look after nearly fifty thousand members.

Your idea of "While admittedly, there would be a huge amount of work involved in running a project like MTS2. Simply as cited above the site has a large number of "Staff" I always wonder about the abilities of those who become involved volunteer or otherwise." doesn't quite make sense to me

Also - all the staff are volunteers, probably unneeded info but I figured I'd say so anyway.

What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#70 Old 11th Jun 2007 at 2:29 PM
You know, the members are also quite welcome to 'make a difference' around here - the 'staff' is not the community; we are not the only ones to offer help, nor the only ones who could write tutorials (although the bulk of the documentation on site is written and/or maintained by staff - it's not by design). We do an amount of behind the scenes things to keep flamers/spammers off site, code improvements and features, and other things - but many things visible to the community are open for anyone to do!

The amount of documentation here and help here (to help folks learn how to mod, and to help them with their games) is frankly, not matched by any site I'm aware of. If it is, more power to them - because certainly I'm glad for everyone who helps folks learn to mod if they wish. The quality of the uploads here is good - this is not to say that there are not talented modders who post at other sites, of course there are! Issues with the download server running slow and overloaded were solved by both adding a server *and* throttling back people who used download accelerators and tied everything up. (that was a real 'quality' issue, but we're not the only site that has been slow at times)

No one site can possibly be 'perfect' for everyone, although if you had actual suggestions - instead of a broad criticism - it might actually make a difference. (There is a suggestions thread over in site issues)

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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